THE FUTURE OF WELLBEING - The face of wellbeing is evolving for people and organisations. As we move to a world where the science of positive psychology is applied more in organisations, we can experience positive wellbeing more often by focusing on what’s right with us, as opposed to simply fixing what’s wrong.
About 1 in 4 people experience mental health problems each year. Most of us know a friend, colleague or family member who has struggled with their mental health. We can all feel anxious, stressed or low at times in our lives. When these feelings go on for a long time, get worse or affect our day-to-day lives, they may be considered a problem.
If you know someone who is struggling to sleep or having issues with their mental health, there are lots of things you can do. There are many ways you can help, it's important to remember that it may take time for someone's mental health to improve. And in some cases, they may need professional help.
If the person you're worried about is a colleague or employee, or you want to learn more about how your workplace can support staff's mental health, Mental Health at Work can help you find the information and resources you need.