La intención de nuestro plan de estudios
Nuestro plan de estudios son todas las actividades planificadas que organizamos para promover el amor por el aprendizaje, el crecimiento personal y las cualidades humanas que pretendemos desarrollar en nuestros alumnos. Esto incluye los requisitos formales del plan de estudios nacional; encuentros de aprendizaje fuera del aula y la variedad de actividades extracurriculares que ofrecemos para enriquecer las experiencias educativas de todos los alumnos. Somos profundamente conscientes de que los alumnos solo tienen una oportunidad en su educación primaria y nuestra declaración de valores refleja nuestro compromiso de garantizar que todos prosperen.
El plan de estudios de la Federación de la Iglesia de Inglaterra de Whitchurch se ha escrito y desarrollado con el objetivo de animar a cada alumno a cuidar, respetar y apreciar el valor máximo de los demás, desarrollando relaciones positivas a medida que dan sus primeros pasos hacia la independencia y se vuelven responsables y reflexivos. y adultos seguros del futuro, haciendo contribuciones exitosas a su comunidad local y global. Como miembros de la familia St. Bart's Multi-Academy Trust, defendemos la creencia de que la educación es una preparación para la vida y buscamos preparar a cada niño para enfrentar la vida más allá de la Federación con confianza.
Nuestro plan de estudios presta atención al desarrollo de conceptos, conocimientos y habilidades clave en una amplia gama de materias para ayudar a nuestros alumnos a desarrollar la retención a largo plazo del aprendizaje. El conocimiento y las habilidades son progresivos y las oportunidades se amplían a través de las etapas clave en la construcción del conocimiento del mundo, la alfabetización cultural y el vocabulario.
Hemos desarrollado impulsores centrales que dan forma a nuestro plan de estudios, logran los objetivos y valores de nuestra Federación y St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust (P-pasión, E-fomento, A-ambición, C-compromiso, E - disfrute), permiten a los alumnos para hacer vínculos y conexiones útiles a lo largo de su aprendizaje y ver cómo el aprendizaje de su materia se relaciona con el mundo en el que viven. Buscamos inculcar en nuestros alumnos no solo un conjunto de hechos o una serie de habilidades, sino cómo tener éxito como ciudadanos , nuestros impulsores y valores cristianos son pilares fundamentales de este espíritu.
As part of the indoor and outdoor continuous provision, children are physically active throughout their day in the Foundation Stage. In addition, children all access an age-appropriate PE curriculum that is taught explicitly and enables them to make progress in fundamental movement skills (balancing, running, jumping, making movements), ball skills, early games, gymnastics and dance.
Key Stage 1
Children’s progress continues to develop throughout Key Stage 1 with a skill and knowledge based PE curriculum that builds on what children have begun to learn in EYFS. Further challenge in fundamental movement skills is the beginning of this process for each year group as it is crucial to children’s success in PE and Sport. Children are also taught ball skills, sending and receiving, target games, invasion games, net and wall skills and striking and fielding all with a skills and knowledge focus. This prepares children for the wide range of sports available to them in the community.
Key Stage 2
Children in Key Stage 2 continue to make progress in the skills and knowledge they have learnt in Key Stage 1 and begin to apply them into a range of sporting opportunities. Children extend their skills alongside learning new, more complex and challenging physical skills. They are exposed to new sports during their time in Key Stage 2 including Tag Rugby, Golf, Basketball, Volleyball, Orienteering in addition to Football, Cricket, Athletics, Dance and Gymnastics. Children will be challenged to use their social, emotional and thinking skills to develop positive team relationships, the ability to assess individual and peer progress and to be able to develop strategies to use in competition. During their time in Key Stage 2 our children will have swimming lessons, taught by qualified swimming instructors, so that they make progress up to and exceeding the requirement to swim 25 metres by the end of Year 6.
Cultural Capital is the collection of skills and experiences which children need to help them thrive in the wider world.
All children in our school have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of after school clubs that varies throughout the year, dependent on the time of year and also based on feedback from the children.
Competition for children at the Whitchurch Church of England happens in these ways: personal best, school competitions and also inter-school competitions.
Children are encouraged to improve on their own individual progress throughout their PE lessons
Children from across a wide variety of year groups have the opportunity to be selected to represent our school in competitions in the local area.
Children have access to school events including sports days
The skills and knowledge the children use in PE complement those in the rest of the curriculum. These are just some of the ways that PE links to other areas of their study:
We offer a range of fiction and non-fiction texts based on sport, physical activity and healthy eating. These are available to borrow to share with family at home.
Children in Key Stage 2 will be given the opportunity to become Sports Reporters, writing input for the Blog and Newsletters.
Children develop their skills in timekeeping, measuring and also strategic thinking and problem solving during PE lessons.
Throughout the Science curriculum, children are taught a number of Biology units based on how the body stays healthy, which links in directly with the PE Curriculum and in particular the Fitness units.
The Being Healthy unit supports children to make healthy choices for their physical and mental wellbeing and also encourages a growth mindset, which are important skills for a physically active lifestyle.
Children have the opportunity to design and make healthy food choices during their Design and Technology lessons.
Children use iPads to record themselves and their peers during PE lessons to watch and provide feedback. Videos are used to focus on strategy and to improve performance in key skills.
All primary schools receive an additional yearly PE Premium grant from the Government. This extra funding is intended to heighten the effectiveness of PE provision in schools, and it is at the school’s discretion as to how the additional funding is spent.